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Vaccines and Big Data: Palantir and Oracle

Perhaps you’ve heard of Operation Warp Speed in the race to create a Covid-19 vaccine. Or maybe that Washington DC allows 11 year olds to lawfully consent to being vaccinated in school without parents being notified, even through the insurance company. Wild times indeed. There are even wild conspiracy theories that Bill Gates is looking to implant microchips inside people with vaccines to get everyone connected to blockchain through what is know. as ID2020. I’ve even heard rumors that aliens exist and Donald Trump knows about it but the ETs say we’re not ready to know yet. While much of this information is accurate, and some is hyperbolic, it’s truly difficult to get to the bottom of any new theory these days without being fact-checked by hyper-biased organizations or labeled as a disinformation specialist. However, straight from Bloomberg’s news feed comes news that the data giants Palantir and Oracle will oversee and track all vaccinations in the US, of which there will be 20 million in 2020 (that’s in half a month). An quote from the article from an official yet unnamed source says “ The official said no health provider can administer a vaccine without being enrolled in the system, which will provide a daily record of how many people in the country have been vaccinated.” You mat have also heard that Pfizer offered the Trump administration to secure 100 million more vaccines once they’re produced and they said “no”. Officials in the Trump administration denied ever declining such an offer.
While all of this is going on, Pfizer and Moderna have both created a vaccine that is, according to them and their speedy trials, more than 90% effective.

Lastly, the article stated: ” No federal employee -- other than health-care workers for Native Americans, veterans and the military -- is likely to play a role in distributing the vaccine to the general public, the second official said.” I guess we’ll just have to see what turn this warp speed agenda takes as millions of vaccine acceptors get what they want and millions of skeptics of centralized science and technocratic elites are threatened with the word ‘mandatory’ or the thought of having health passports become mandatory to resume societal tasks like working, shopping or hanging out in public places. Check our what’s happening in Australia: Please visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch Waking Infinity News for more information. Oh and have you heard of the false positives of HIV and Bell’s pals side effects?

Vaccines and Big Data: Palantir and Oracle
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