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Ben Stewart
Jun 3, 20203 min read
Cannabis Ritual in Ancient Israel
Cannabis in ancient Israel shows Jewish connection with the psychoactive herb.
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Ben Stewart
May 19, 20201 min read
David Wolfe Exposes 5G tech with Ancient Symbolism?
I've long said that symbolism has power and is used purposefully but hidden in plain sight. However, I also express that there's a lot...
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Ben Stewart
May 7, 20201 min read
A Heart Practice for our Vastly Different Future
Ben Joseph Stewart here... Check out my explanation of why a heart practice now, especially during Covid-19 quarantine and massive...
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Ben Stewart
May 6, 20202 min read
5G, Coronavirus and Future Technology
5G: If you haven’t come across 5G or even know what it is, you may not be prepared for the world to change in this coming decade....
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